Laws and Regulation in Nevada: Possession Cannabis and Transporting

Possessing Cannabis

Adults 21 years and older can legally possess cannabis in the following amounts:

  • Up to 1 ounce of cannabis

  • Up to 1/8 of an ounce of concentrated cannabis (the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from cannabis)

Consuming Cannabis

Adults 21 years and older can legally consume cannabis, but with restrictions on where it can be consumed:

  • You cannot use cannabis in any public place

  • You cannot use cannabis in a moving vehicle, even if you're a passenger

Cannabis can only be consumed on private property (at home, for example), and as long as the property owner has not prohibited it.

Driving and Cannabis

It is illegal and dangerous to drive under the influence of cannabis. Any amount of cannabis consumption puts you at risk of driving impaired

Under Age 21

It is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to buy, possess, or use retail cannabis.


Any person under 21 who:

  • Falsely represents himself or herself to be 21 years of age or older to obtain cannabis is guilty of a misdemeanor

  • Knowingly enters, loiters, or remains on the premises of a cannabis establishment, like a retail store, can be punished by a fine of up to $500 (except for legal medical cannabis cardholders)

It is against the law for any state-licensed cannabis establishments to provide cannabis to anyone under 21 (except for medical cardholders)

Federal Implications

Cannabis remains illegal under federal law, where it's still classified as a controlled substance. The differences between Nevada and federal laws can lead to challenges in knowing how and where the different laws apply. Consult with legal advisers to be sure you fully understand how federal, state, and local laws may affect you. Below is some general information about the possible federal implications of cannabis use.


If you live in federally subsidized housing, cannabis charges may jeopardize your federal housing benefit. For more information, contact the Nevada Housing Division(clicking this link will direct you away from the CCB website)

Federal Land

Cannabis is still illegal on federal land, including national parks and military bases

Growing at Home

Adults 21 years and older can legally grow cannabis plants at home for their personal consumption, but only if there is not a state-licensed retail cannabis store within 25 miles of the home.

The following rules apply:

  • Up to 6 plants per person, but no more than 12 plants per household

  • Plants must be grown within a closet, room, greenhouse, or other enclosed area that is equipped with a lock or other security device

  • Plants must not be visible from a public place

  • The grower must own the property or have the permission of the legal owner
